November 2024 DRAFT Minutes
Hagworthingham Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 25 November 2024 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
Present: With Cllr Jan Hewitt in the Chair there were present Cllrs – Mark Clayton, Paul Colam-French,
Paul Masters and Ruth Wisby.
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Susan Archibald
The Chairman declared the meeting opened at 7.00 p.m.
69. Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman wished to thank all those Councillors and local residents who participated in the Remembrance Sunday service, which had been a great success.
70. Apologies for absence and reasons given
There were none.
71. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
not previously notified and/or consideration of any written request for Dispensation
There were none.
72. Notes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday 14 October 2024 to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman
It was proposed by Cllr Hewitt, seconded by Cllr Colam-French and:-
RESOLVED – That the notes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday 14 October 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
73. Co-Option to Vacant Seat
There was no progress to report with the current casual vacancy, however, the Clerk confirmed that the seat arising from the resignation of Edmund Done was now available for co-option also.
74. Electrical supply to Manor Road defibrillator
The Clerk reported that, whilst the power was connected, no bill or estimated usage had yet been received. Members noted the foregoing.
75. MP Community Summit
Members noted the proposed attendance of Cllrs Hewitt and Clayton at the MP Community Summit on 6 December.
76. Current Consultations
Members were reminded of current consultations:
(i) Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings
(ii) ELDC review of support for Towns and Parishes
Members were invited to make their comments direct to ELDC.
77. Additional benches
Members considered a request for seating at the Church Lane bus stop, and, in principle, agreed to provide a bench seat, with the Clerk instructed to apply for £200 from Cllr Grover’s ELDC Community Grant. The bench style and further details would be decided upon at a future meeting.
78. Financial Matters
(a) Monies at bank
Current account - £5,534.45
Bus account - £6,150.70
(b) To approve payment of outstanding invoices
It was proposed by Cllr Hewitt, seconded by Cllr Clayton and:-
RESOLVED – (a) that items (a) and (b)(above) be noted and approved;
It was further proposed by Cllr Hewitt, seconded by Cllr Wisby and:-
RESOLVED – (b) that the budget proposal be approved with the precept demand for 2025/26 to remain at the level of previous years being £7,324.15, with increases to be considered to grass cutting provision around the village and at the Church.
Note: The introduction of bank charges for cheques and deposits at the Bank was noted.
79. Planning Matters
Members noted full planning permission in relation to the following applications:
(i)S/070/01346/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of a stable block. | PARTRIDGE HURN, DEEP
(ii) S/070/01336/24 | Planning Permission - Erection of a manege for private use. | PARTRIDGE
HURN, DEEP LANE, HAGWORTHINGHAM, SPILSBY, PE23 4LZ – Note: amended to remove
provision of external flood lights. – APPROVED
Hagworthingham Parish Council supported these applications.
(iii) ELDC advice of inspection of untidy grade 11 listed building – White Cottage, Manor Road,
Members noted the inspector’s report that the site is no longer considered to be untidy and commented
that the property was much improved.
80. To receive reports from Councillors relating to outstanding projects
The Done family would be approached to gauge support for a bench to be placed in recognition of Edmund Done’s decades of service to the Church and the Parish Council.
The replacement of the Manor Road noticeboard would be considered at a future meeting.
81. To receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters
There was none.
82. To receive general correspondence
There was none.
83. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council
It was proposed, seconded and:-
RESOLVED – That the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council be agreed as Monday 24 February 2024 JJ’s Café at 7.00 p.m. with the January meeting being cancelled due to no business to transact at this time.
The meeting closed at 7.46 p.m.