January 2021 Minutes

Hagworthingham Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held remotely via video conferencing on Monday 11 January 2021 commencing at 7.00 p.m.

Present: With Cllr Richard Hammond (Chairman) there were present, Cllrs – Mr Mark Clayton, Mr Edmund Done, Mr David Freeman,

Absent: Cllrs Mrs Jan Morris-Holmes, Mr David Powell

In attendance: Clerk Mrs Susan Archibald

Also present: Cllr W Grover – ELDC (part)

In the absence of any members of public, a report of District Councillor W Grover was received. Cllr Grover had been trying to arrange a village site visit with the Highways’ PfH at LCC, but was referred to the County Councillor. Cllr Marfleet would be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss highways’ issues. Grant funding availability was mentioned again and an application form would be forwarded to the Clerk for village use.

Councillors wished to raise the issue of fly tipping on Old Main Road, a perennial problem, and also a complaint was raised regarding the attitude of an LCC operative on the day of a village funeral in the New Year; the Clerk would raise this with the County Council.

The Chairman declared the meeting opened at 7.15 p.m.

37. Chairman’s Announcements

There were none.

38. Apologies for absence and reasons given

An apology for absence was received and accepted from Cllr Mrs Morris-Holmes.

39. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 not previously notified and/or consideration of any written request for Dispensation

Cllr Hammond wished to declare a pecuniary interest in the budget in relation to grass cutting at the Church and Cllr Done wished to declare a non-pecuniary interest as Church Warden.

40. Notes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday 28 September 2020 to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman at a later date

It was proposed by Cllr Done, seconded by Cllr Freeman and:-

RESOLVED – That the notes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday 28 September 2020 be approved as a correct record to be signed by the Chairman at a later date.

41. Casual Vacancy

Members noted the current casual vacancy on the Council with reports of no interest expressed by any party. The vacancy remains open to applicants.

42. Highways Matters

(i) Speeding Concerns

The Chairman reported that the SID had been moved and was working well; the Clerk undertook to obtain replacement 30 mph passive speed notices for use in the village at previously approved locations.

(ii) Overhanging Trees

Overhanging trees at main road opp. JJ’s Café and Church Lane at secondhand shop had been reported to LCC.

(iii) Road Works (Various)

AJET drain clearance works at Church Lane in January were noted, with further carriageway reconstruction, patching and resurfacing to be carried out in February at Church Lane/Water Lane and Hagg Road.

Note: The Clerk reported further complaints received regarding the poor condition of Deep Lane, and would contact Highways to see whether any leftover asphalt could be used to fill some potholes, rather than being disposed of elsewhere.

43. Compliance with GDPR in respect of dedicated Councillor email addresses

The Clerk reported that all Councillors were now up and running with dedicated email addresses.

44. Quantum Air Fibre – Fibre to the premises superfast broadband provision

No further action was proposed in relation to superfast broadband from Quantum Air Fibre as no communication had been forthcoming from them since the last meeting.

45. Parish Land

It was reported that the Parish Land would be relinquished by the family of the late Mr David Scrimshaw without the need for a formal Notice to Quit being served. No proposal was made to actively search for a new tenant and the subject would be on the agenda of the February meeting for further consideration as to a future use for the land.

46. Financial Matters

(a) Monies at bank

Current account - £5839.64

Bus account - £6031.65

(b) To approve payment of outstanding invoices and payments already made as detailed in Appendix A

It was proposed by Cllr Hammond, seconded by Cllr Done and:-

RESOLVED – (a) That payments detailed at (b) be noted and approved.

(c) To receive draft 2021/22 budget for consideration

(d) To consider and decide upon a precept demand for 2021/22 to be submitted to ELDC

(e) To review bank signatories and increase number of those authorised to sign cheques, as appropriate

Following a detailed consideration of budget heads:-

It was proposed by Cllr Hammond, seconded by Cllr Clayton and:-

RESOLVED – (b) that the grass cutting payment be increased to £100 per cut, with the Clerk to advise the Contractor accordingly, and once again thank him for his diligence in carrying out the contract.

It was further proposed by Cllr Freeman, seconded by Cllr Clayton and:-

RESOLVED – (c) that the annual grass cutting allowance given to the Church be increased to £600, and in all other respects the budget, as presented, be noted and approved;

Note: Having declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the grass cutting payment to the PCC, Cllr Hammond took no part in the consideration thereof or the voting thereon.

(d) the Clerk was instructed to make a precept demand to ELDC at the same level as the previous year, namely £5824.15, Members having carefully considered the implications of increases at this difficult time; and

(e) Cllr Hammond undertook to enquire at the bank as to the current state of signatories on the mandate with the addition of Cllrs Clayton and Freeman, as appropriate.

47. To receive reports from Councillors relating to outstanding projects

Members wished to consider projects for investment in the village; kissing gates were mentioned and the Clerk would explore this with the District Council and Cllr Grover in respect of his Councillor Community Grant fund.

Cllr Hammond reported that he had purchased and would donate a new Union flag for village use and would work with other Members on the cleaning and repair of the flag pole.

Dog fouling and reports of dog waste bags being thrown into hedgerows was raised and the Chairman undertook to write a piece for the Village Voice.

Cllr Freeman was thanked for his work in eradicating moles from the Church grounds.

The Defibrillator battery and pads were discussed with investigation to be carried out by Cllr Done to check what replacement parts may be needed.

48. To receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters

The Clerk reported that insurance premium for the PA system would be £10 extra per annum and the equipment would be added to the Asset Register. These items would be on the agenda of the next meeting for ratification.

49. To receive general correspondence

An email had been received from a resident of Deep Lane once again raising the issue of the severely deteriorating road surface, as had been mentioned earlier in the meeting. Cllr Marfleet would be reminded of this matter and invited to attend the February meeting to discuss what can be done.

50. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council

It was proposed, seconded and:-

RESOLVED – That the date of the next meeting of the Parish Council be agreed as Monday 22 February 2021 at 7.00 p.m. to be hosted by Zoom video conferencing.

The meeting closed at 8.28 p.m.