March 2019 Notes Annual Parish Meeting
Hagworthingham Annual Parish Meeting
Notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in Rachel’s Cafe on Monday 4 March 2019 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
Attendance: With Cllr Mr Edward Done in the Chair there were present, six Parish Councillors, Clerk, Mrs Susan Archibald and 8 members of the public
The Chairman declared the meeting opened at 7.00 p.m.
1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 8 April 2018 It was proposed, seconded and:-
RESOLVED – That the notes of Annual Parish Meeting held on Monday 8 April 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman
2. Reports of the Chairman and the Clerk and RFO covering the activities of the Parish Council
The Chairman presented his report of the Parish Council’s activities over the last year, summarised as follows:-
The Chairman opened with thanks to the café owners for their continued support of holding meetings on their premises. He wished Cllr John Redman well, following a year of ill health, and welcomed Mr David Powell to the Council as a newly co-opted member.
He thanked Jan Morris-Holmes for the Village Voice and her hard work and effort in making it happen.
The Parish Council continues to provide maintenance of the grass verges around the village and the churchyard, the church light, the Remembrance Sunday wreath and the interactive speed indicator device.
He reported on the proposed purchase of a hand held speed gun for community speedwatch exercises which were currently in the process of being set up.
He ended by thanking his fellow councillors, local volunteers, and the Parish Clerk.
The meeting received a report of Parish Council finances from RFO Mrs Susan Archibald, as follows:-
The Clerk reported that finances continued to be healthy with current earmarked and general reserves standing at £7,368. The year end accounts are yet to be finalised, but should show a balanced position.
She further reported that the Council continued to cover the financial cost of amenity grass cutting, with an allowance towards this from the Highways Grass Cutting agreement with Lincolnshire County Council. There was a top up expense which is precepted for, together this year with the grass cutting contribution to the churchyard of £400 which had previously been be taken out of general reserves. There is also a possible election cost this year and a further £600 had been precepted for this eventuality. In total, whilst having had no increase in the past two years, it was advised that the precept had been increased by £1226.40 to £5709.95 for 2019/20.
She reported that the next Parish and District elections were due to be held on 2 May 2019 and, in the meantime, that the casual vacancy on the Parish Council has been filled by new Member Cllr David Powell, who takes his seat for the first time this evening. Anyone interested in joining the Parish Council who wishes to stand in the Parish election was advised to download a nomination pack from the Elections section of ELDC website; nominations need to be in by 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 3 April at the latest.
She reported that the Parish Council continues to encourage community involvement and local residents are warmly invited and welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings to raise any issues of concern, or suggestions for the benefit of the village and its residents.
In the absence of any representatives, there were no reports of District, County Councillors or the Police
3. Update on the operation of SID reactive speed indicator device and Community Speedwatch Scheme proposed for the village
The meeting was advised that the device was in use and being moved every six weeks in accordance with the licence agreement. Statistics were being retrieved and collated to report to a future meeting. Cllr Hammond was thanked for undertaking to arrange the regular relocation of the device, and he reported that his observations indicated that it did have a positive effect on slowing the traffic.
The Clerk had already reported on the CSW scheme and more would follow on this once the group were up and running and undertaking exercises in early summer.
4. Discussion around Community Led Housing/Affordable Homes
Expressions of concern were made around the aging population and lack of provision of housing for younger people in the village.
The Clerk advised that ELDC had a Community Led Housing Officer who would be attending a future meeting of the Council and that, in the meantime, a Housing Needs Survey could be requested to identify areas of housing need, and this was on the agenda for the discussion at the subsequent Parish Council meeting.
5. Reports of local charities and community groups THE DALES CHARITY
This long standing village charity is there to help people in need, men, women, or children. The three Trustees remain as Rev. Canon Peter Coates, Cllr Jan Morris-Holmes and Cllr Edmund Done. All enquiries and payments made are strictly confidential and the Chairman reported that Christmas bags had been distributed this year. The Charity is there to be used and hopefully make life easier. Full contact details are in the Village Voice and it was once again reiterated that all enquiries were absolutely confidential.
6. Open Forum
Concern was once again raised over flytipping and overgrown hedges at Old Main Road; the Clerk would report as appropriate.
The meeting closed at 7.33 p.m.