February 2020 Agenda


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Hagworthingham Parish Council will be held in JJ’s Cafe on Monday 24 February 2020 commencing at 7.00 p.m. at which the under mentioned business will be transacted.

Susan Archibald
Susan Archibald Clerk to Hagworthingham Parish Council

Dated: 18 February 2020

There will be a maximum 15 minute forum prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may ask questions or make short representations to the Council. At the discretion of the Chairman there may be an additional 5 minutes at the end of the meeting at which members of the public can raise points relating to the meeting or items for consideration for inclusion on the next agenda.

Following which the Council will receive reports of the Police, County and District Councillors.



1. Chairman’s Announcements

2. Apologies for absence and reasons given

3. Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 not previously notified and/or consideration of any written request for Dispensation

4. Notes of the meeting of the Council held on Monday 13 January 2020 to be approved as Minutes and signed by the Chairman

5. Highways Matters

(i) Update on gulley clearance.

(ii) To note temporary traffic restrictions for Anglian Water works on Church Lane 18 March to 20 March 2020

6. Financial Matters

(a) Monies at Bank

(b) To approve payments schedule

(c) To consider and ratify (or otherwise) retrospective approval of the purchase of a replacement Union Flag due to the unexpected loss in adverse weather of the existing flag, and urgent need for a speedy replacement; with reimbursement to Cllr Hammond of c. £37.00

7. Planning Matters

Planning Application:-


Planning Permission – Detailed particulars, erection of 1no detached house and detached triple garage

Planning Permission:- S/070/02288/19 Outline erection of up to 3no. dwellings on the site of an existing agricultural building which is to be demolished (with means of access to be considered). HOME FARM, MAIN ROAD, HAGWORTHINGHAM, SPILSBY, PE23 4LT The Parish Council supported this application.

Planning Appeal:- To note planning appeal against ELDC Refusal of Application N/160/00493/18 Manor Farm, Brinkhill, South Ormsby –

8. To receive reports from Councillors relating to outstanding tasks

To receive reports from Members relating to outstanding tasks and requests for matters to be placed on the next agenda. No resolutions may be passed under this item.

9. To receive reports from the Clerk in relation to Council matters

10. To receive general correspondence

11. To confirm the date of the next meeting of the Council

The date of the next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council is proposed as Monday 6 April 2020 to be immediately preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00 p.m. in JJ’s Café.